While working on my game, I realized that much of my opinion towards the rules are based on my style of running and playing with the same general group of people. And, I think that my gaming group was different in that everybody was a GM and a player. So, I asked a group of colleagues familiar with RPGs to offer their thoughts on different aspects of the games. These are the results.
I am happy to report that I am not entirely incorrect in my assumptions. Thoughts on the results and my favorites:
1) I like either method, but I really thought that more people would pick B. At least, I think that players like rolling handfuls of dice. I guess it makes sense that most GMs would dislike it. I should have probably asked for GM/Player percentage of time.
2) I can see A being popular with GMs. I rather like B.
As a GM, I don't like C. (Although I really liked playing GURPS, which is the king of point buy systems.) I'm glad to see that I'm spot on about that.
3) I'm a fan of B and I'm fairly certain that I can get the "level each skill individually" to work with very little accounting. Rolemaster uses C and I played/GM'd that game for 10+ years. That's why I know I don't really like C.
4) B,100%. But I agree that characters should not be put into "one roll and you're dead" kind of situations. Unless it's the final roll in a long string of bad character decisions - I mean, if you want to jump into a volcano, I can only do so much.
5) For me, it depends on who's running the game. Sometimes, the GM appears to have designed their campaign based on NetHack, so it becomes B. If it's a well designed story-based campaign, it's A.