They say that everyone has a talent. Some people can draw very good pictures. Some are natural born leaders. I've known people who are good with numbers, never needing a calculator for basic mathematic computations. Athletes, musicians and actors. I don't know what my talent is. Some of my friends and family think that I should channel my creative energies into writing a story. What a novel idea. I have tried to compose a story before, as far back as second grade. Back then, I wrote my first epic sega entitled "Me and My Friend":
"I saw my friend. We went into the woods. My friend saw a stick. He hit me with the stick. I saw a rock. I threw the rock at him but I missed. Then we went home. THE END"
Much later, my style and flow improved with my adaptation of "Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner":
"The man was on a boat. The man saw a bird. The man killed the bird with a rock. Everybody died and the man went home. THE END"
Later on, I tried to write some adventuresome fantasy with "Zorlock the Destroyer":
"Zorlock chopped and cleaved his way through the battlefield. Severed limbs fell like wheat before a scythe. He splashed through pools of blood, his axe beheading foes as he swept by. The screams of his disemboweled enemies was a delight to his ears. He continued to kill, maim and destroy. Bits of flesh, bone and brain covered his blood soaked armor. As an enemy solider was chopped in two, Zorlock paused only long enough to gouge out his foes eyes and devour them."
Shortly after writing this story I started to find girls to be pretty and the drive to write this sort of material faded.