"Oh..." started the bringer of wishes, "You'll live far beyond that. Immortality is...eternity."
So sorry
The Captain turned to his left. "Officer McClure, I need you to realign the stabilizer beams. Calculate the orbital decay and adjust the polarity generators to compensate."
"Yes, sir!" Officer McClure saluted. He then went back to surfing Facebook.
NEW GAME: "If NetHack and Zork Had a Baby"
Within a few days of your arrival, you have been arrested, charged with Urinating Into A Public Well and Coveting Thy Neighbors Cockatoo and Inherited Teacups. You do not recall committing such an act. You are sentenced to Execution by Being Thrown Into a Pit of Poisonous Snakes, Scorpions, and Boiling Oil Until Dead.
Arena Champion
Distracted by this, he took this opportunity to charge, shoving the frozen custard stand aside, knocking it over, and spilling out the dismembered body of Number Five.
Into the Fading Horizon (2014)
Somewhere beyond the three hundred and sixty four known systems. Somewhere out beyond the fading horizon, where humanity ruled a century ago. That's where we we travel. Into the unknown, searching for human worlds, forgotten knowledge, and the enemy....
He said a bad word (2014)
"Yeah," Biscotti admitted. "They did pull a few out this morning. May have been suicides. Or swimming accidents. Hard to say."
"They were shot and blown up!
"Yeah, the coroner did think it was pretty odd that they were wearing pants, shoes, socks, a button up shirt, and a sports jacket. And they had been shot several times. But, we can't rule out some kind of elaborate suicide pact."
Disappointment (2014)
As a wide-eyed dreamer, I considered the possibility that this dehydrated Neapolitan sweet treat was actually invented before spaceflight, inspiring men to create an entirely new profession to simply enjoy it.
A sad tale of immortality (2012)
IT IS SAID: A young boy had his father taken from him due to sickness and his mother was slain before his eyes by evil men.
He woke up the next day (2011)
He woke up groggily looking around to survey his surroundings. It must have been just after dawn, as it was not fully light outside.
Gunther (2008)
Gunther sat in the middle stall of the men's restroom. Sitting at the top of the toilet tank, his feet resting on the seat, he peered through the gap between the door and the frame of the metal stall.
Dear Call of Duty - Modern Warfare 3 (10-2012)
That said, I wanted to pass along a bit of information that I thought may help you when designing the firearms in the next multiplayer FPS you are involved in. It involves shotguns.
Dear Battlefield 3 (11-2011)
Remember that time that I was driving the jeep and I wanted to jump out while it was still in motion? Yeah, and you thought it would be great if I exited it from the front, thereby running myself over? Ha, good times.
On writing (2000)
I have tried to compose a story before, as far back as second grade. Back then, I wrote my first epic sega entitled "Me and My Friend":
My job (1999-2000)
"Mechanically separated chicken." I have no idea what this could be other than chickens that are kept apart from other chickens by a large robotic machine that destroys violators with shoulder-mounted lasers and rockets
My apartment (2001)
Unless you live in an area frequented by earthquakes or burglars, your belongings stay where you put them
Skyrim dialogue (2012)
A game shouldn't make me hate the innocent characters this much.
Skyrim quirks (2012)
That said, there are a few things that, while not game-ruining for me, are somewhat immersion-breaking.
Skyrim characters (2012)
I've noticed that in every Elder Scrolls game, I've played the same character